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Ricardo Bracho and Brava! for Women in the Arts

Ricardo Bracho and Brava! for Women in the Arts

Playwright Ricardo A. Bracho collaborated with Brava! for Women in the Arts (BRAVA), and artists Cherrie Moraga and Roberto Gutiérrez Varea to develop and produce his first play, The Sweetest Hangover (& other stds).  It premiered in April 1997 at the Brava!...
Carla Lucero and the Jon Sims Center for the Arts

Carla Lucero and the Jon Sims Center for the Arts

Collaborating with composer and librettist Carla Lucero, the Jon Sims Center for the Arts (JSC) produced Wuornos, an opera based on the real life story of Aileen Wuornos, a lesbian, sex worker, and serial killer who was on death row in Florida at the time the piece...
Wayne Vitale and the Asian Art Museum

Wayne Vitale and the Asian Art Museum

Composer Wayne Vitale and The Asian Art Museum of San Francisco, in cooperation with the Exploratorium, created Makrokosma Bali, a multimedia work combining new music for Balinese gamelan orchestra with projected video and still imagery, ambient sounds, and lighting...
Shinichi Iova-Koga and Dancers’ Group

Shinichi Iova-Koga and Dancers’ Group

Choreographer and inkBoat director Shinichi Iova-Koga and Dancers’ Group collaborated to create a site-specific dance performance to honor iconic Bay Area choreographer Anna Halprin, a visionary artist whose work radically expanded the purpose, process, and content of...