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The Lab & Aaron Noble

The Lab collaborating with artists of the Clarion Alley Mural Project (CAMP), including lead artist Aaron Noble, and the tenants of the Mission District?s historic Red Stone Building to create murals in the building?s lobbies. The Red Stone, constructed as a Labor...

Creativity Explored & James Morgan

Creativity Explored collaborating with James Morgan and Christopher Clark, on ?Animals in the Natural Environment,? presented on the Web and as a permanent collage/painting on the walls of a recreation area at Laguna Honda Hospital. Collaborating artists are: Cam...

Galería de la Raza & Catalina Govea

Galería de la Raza collaborating with Catalina Govea, Rubin Guzman, Antonio Tovar, and Virginia Benavidez, to document recent immigrants? daily lives through photographs taken from the immigrants? perspective. The project is culminating with an exhibit at...