by Frances Phillips | Jun 6, 2007 | 2007, Traditional Arts
Asian Improv aRts collaborating with Melody Takata, Madame Fuima Kansuma, Hideko Nakajima, Tatsu Aoki, and members of Gen Taiko to create a performance on the theme of Shimenawa. Shimenawa is created by binding together multiple threads for strength and refers to the...
by Frances Phillips | Jun 15, 2004 | 2004, Literary Arts
Writer and performer Genny Lim and Asian Improv aRts collaborating to create True Freedom: Anatomy of an American Family, a new short story manuscript that is informed by a writer?s residency at the Chinatown Beacon Center at Jean Parker Elementary School?the school...
by Frances Phillips | Jun 5, 2001 | 2001, Traditional Arts
Collaborating with Asian Improv aRts, storyteller Nancy Wang and her long-time collaborator and artistic partner Robert Kikuchi-Yngojo are researching and developing for performance, narratives of three or more Asians and Asian Americans.