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Writer Adriana Camarena has been collaborating with Accion Latina to write a series of in-depth creative nonfiction essays, Unsettled in the Mission/Inquietos in la Mision, for publication in the popular free Mission District paper El Tecolote. Camarena has just published Issue #6 in the series, “Coded World/Mundo Codificado.” Readers may enjoy it in English and in Spanish.

Camarena will be reading from the project as part of Whoop Whoop That’s the Sound of the Police/ Whoop Whoop, That’s the Sound of the Beast, a LitQuake‘s LitCrawl on Saturday, October 20, at 5 p.m., at Adobe Books & Arts Cooperative. LitCrawl events on the 20th are free and are taking place at multiple sites throughout San Francisco.