On Saturday, February 22, songwriters/composers Emiliano Valdez and Michael Annotti are presenting Voices, new work developed in partnership with Mr. O’s Academy of the Arts and the San Benito County Arts Council. Their project is a compilation of locally-inspired songs written and produced in San Benito County. They include tracks about local landmarks, the history of the canneries, and the current rise in homelessness–revealing the unique characteristics and common struggles of the San Benito community. Also featured will be a special performance with Mr. O’s Community Orchestra. The performance is taking place at El Teatro Campesino in San Juan Bautista. Doors open at 7:00 p.m. and tickets can be purchased at the door or–in advance–at Mr. O’s Academy of the Arts in downtown Hollister. For further information, write info@sanbenitoarts.org. This project was supported, in part, by a grant to the Creative Work Fund from ArtPlace.
Emiliano Valdez, Michael Annotti, and Mr. O’s Academy of the Arts premiere “Voices”
by Frances Phillips | Feb 14, 2014 | 2012, News, Performing Arts