by Frances Phillips | Jan 30, 2016
A team of artists, architects, urban planners, computer programmers, youth, and Southern Exposure collaborated to create Urban Renewal Laboratory (URL). Proposing a vision for the future of San Francisco, URL reflected upon past and present shapes of urban spaces and...
by Frances Phillips | Jan 23, 2016
Oakland Sharing the Vision, the Oakland Police Department, and other agencies collaborated with performance and installation artist Suzanne Lacy, other artists, and Oakland youth to illuminate youth perspectives on Oakland’s community policing initiative. Developed...
by Frances Phillips | Dec 18, 2015
Ene Osteraas-Constable collaborated with Holly Alonso and Friends of Peralta Hacienda Historical Park to create California Native, a permanent art installation that illustrates stories of the people and plants that were native to the Fruitvale District of Oakland. She...
by Frances Phillips | Nov 9, 2015
Harrell Fletcher and Chris Johanson collaborated with David Jarvey, Michael Loggins, and other artists from Creativity Explored to produce a publication and poster series of drawings and writings, A Place Called the Universe. The book was based in a...
by Frances Phillips | Oct 23, 2015
Furniture designer Michael O’Connor and visual artist Carl Augé collaborated with East Oakland youth to create original oil pieces on wood-block canvasses, a photography series, and three miniature landscapes on metal–all depicting streetscapes in Oakland. Most...