Edward Willie and the Museum of the American Indian

Edward Willie and the Museum of the American Indian

Through a collaboration with the Museum of the American Indian, Edward Willie will revive nearly forgotten California regalia traditions focusing primarily on certain lost techniques for the construction of finely crafted woman’s ceremonial accessories. The...
Susana Arenas Pedroso and Duniya Dance and Drum Company

Susana Arenas Pedroso and Duniya Dance and Drum Company

Susana Arenas Pedroso and Duniya Dance and Drum Company are collaborating to create a dance and music performance about the cultural and political relationship between Guinea, West Africa and Cuba. Although the slave trade in Cuba generally links to Nigeria, Benin,...
Fely Tchaco and Diamano Coura West African Dance

Fely Tchaco and Diamano Coura West African Dance

Fely Tchaco is collaborating with Diamano Coura West African Dance to create The Legend of Zaouli.  Tchaco is of Gouro tribal descent. This project is based in the history and culture of the Gouro people from Egypt who, fleeing Islam, traveled from Ethiopia to Niger,...
Nimely Napla and Dimensions Dance Theater

Nimely Napla and Dimensions Dance Theater

Nimely Napla, former director of the Liberian National Cultural Troupe, is collaborating with Dimensions Dance Theater (Dimensions) to create Dai Zoe Bush — The Breaking of the Poro & Sande Bush, based in in the ceremonial dance rhythms of the Vai and Gola people...