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Melody Takata and Nihonmachi Little Friends

Culture bearer Melody Takata, with an ensemble of artists from GenRyu Arts and Bay Area jazz composers and musicians, is collaborating with Nihonmachi Little Friends to create In Their Footsteps exploring the history and legacy of Issei women and the Japanese YWCA...

Lawrence Bogad and North Bay Jobs With Justice

Performance artist Lawrence Bogad is collaborating with North Bay Jobs With Justice to create Sinfonía de la Justicia/A Symphony of Justice, which will engage indigenous farmworkers in Sonoma County in composing and performing trilingual monologues, Oaxacan/Zapotec...

Carolina Morones and Shakespeare-San Francisco

Latinx theater artist Carolina Morones is collaborating with Shakespeare-San Francisco to create a theatrical performance based on the writings of Sor Juan Inés de la Cruz a poet, playwright, nun, and deviser of public spectacles in colonial Mexico. Querida Sor Juana:...