Free for All is a multi-platform documentary project that brings together library stories from all across the country. Its centerpiece is a feature-length film chronicling one year inside the San Francisco Public Library.

On Saturday, April 20, from 2-4 p.m., in the Koret Center at the San Francisco Public Library, Free for All filmmakers Dawn Logsdon and Lucie Faulknor invite the public to a discussion, moderated by Library Commissioner Jewelle Gomez, and screening of library stories collected from the public. Also featured will be the film trailer, and some miscellaneous and fun archival library footage. Speakers include Wayne Weigand, author of the coming book Part of Our Lives: A People’s History of the American Public Library, and (to be confirmed) Rick Prelinger. The photo with this posting features Gloria, one of the film’s memorable interview subjects, who worked on the library’s construction crew and became one of its security guards when the building opened.